
Our first shipment arrived! The birth of our first product line.

December 9, 2022 was a very memorable day for us, as after many months of product design and business planning our first 550 T-Shirts have finally arrived.

That day marks the birth of our first product line.
How did we ended up here? 

We began by collecting all of our favourite basic, everyday T-Shirts that our team and our close friends wore regularly. We measured each one of them, making a data sheet of the fabric type, the seams, the collar, and the overall fit. With all these details in hand, we were able to produce the cutting patterns for first line of circular T-Shirts.

The process was an exciting one. We experimented with different cuts, sizes, and fabrics, trying to find the perfect balance between comfort, style, and our eco-conscious values. 

When we finally had our first prototypes, we were ecstatic it kind of felt like holding our own little babies 😃 We even have a picture on our Instagram where we posed with them totally unintentionally like with babies. 😂 (for real)  check it out here 

The T-shirts felt like a second skin, and we could not wait to share them with you.


 - Szilvi & Ben